Saturday, March 17, 2012

a tradition in the making.

I'm not sure why I like St. Patrick's Day as much as I do, maybe it's the whimsical part of it, maybe it's because it's another chance to decorate the house, maybe it's another excuse to have a party. I really don't know why, but I really like it.

I thought I'd ease into beginning of what could be some fun traditions. I didn't think Avery would understand the whole leprechaun thing, so I thought I'd begin by making rainbow pancakes.

reading a book while mommy's making the pancakes

and wearing green.

Next year, we'll take it up a notch.

Off to have corned beef and cabbage at Mimi and Papa's....

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

1 comment:

  1. She's gonna be just like her mama...loving ALL the holidays!
