Sunday, August 29, 2010

Maui- Week 2

So, now we are officially relaxed and enter into our last week of our vacay. Here are some of the week's happenings....

We went on a date night! Thanks to my mom and sister who watched our little one. We walked the boardwalk in Wailea and hit a few hotels for appetizers and drinks. It was a fun way to try a bunch of restaurants in one night.

A trip to Maui Brewing Company was a must. Cheers!

Getting a 104.5 temperature isn't supposed to happen in Paradise, but Avery was a good sport.

Hanging by the Maui Hill pool. We finally got a photo of Avery wearing her sunglasses.

Another way to keep cool....

Couldn't resist a bare bottom shot.

We are counting down the days until next year. We will miss you, Maui!


  1. Loved your pictures, Kim!! I can't believe what a big girl Avery is becoming, she just gets cuter and cuter! Miss you guys, love keeping up with your blog :)

  2. So cute! Love the A/C pic. She takes after her mom.
