Sunday, February 20, 2011

Is this normal?!

A few mornings ago (note the bed head) Avery walked up to me holding a pair of her pants, making the "uh- uh" noise like she needed help. I realized what she wanted, so I put the pants on her. She came up to me another time. I tried to reason with her that wearing two pairs of pants was enough. She had a meltdown, so another pair went on. The final count was four. Four pants.

She was satisfied.

Today, we are at two... so far.


  1. HAHAhaha...that is soo funny. ahhh! the things we are confronted with on a daily basis.

  2. ok... so i'm not trying to be weird, but i thought i would share this bit of info. my friend's niece, at about 7 yrs old???, started wearing like 5 pairs of underwear at a time. they were concerned so they took her to a dr. turns out that kids can have a sensory issue where they don't feel like they really have pants on (or shirts, undies, socks) until their is a lot of pressure. this causes them to put on several pairs to feel 'snug' if you will. that's all i really know. i forget what they did for her...maybe some training that helped her work out of that habit. anyhoo...i'm sure avery is fine and just a silly girl. but i felt better sharing that info than not.
